Keeping Your Employees Motivated

The holidays bring on as much stress as they do joy for many of us, and when that’s coupled with the necessity to finish out the end of the year and meet those last few goals, your team may become distracted and run down. However, you can beat the holiday blues with a few simple… Read more »

Staying Active in the Holiday Season

As the holidays approach, we all tend to get extremely busy, leaving less time for exercise and taking more time to eat those wonderful holiday goodies that seem to find their way to every break room and party we attend. However, we can find ways to stay active and get exercise in even during this… Read more »

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays bring family, friends, togetherness…and lots of food, much of it laden with sugar and fat. So how can you manage to enjoy yourself without needing Santa-sized pants by New Year’s? If you know you’ve got a holiday party coming up with lots of goodies, decide ahead of time what you’re going to eat… Read more »

Yes, You Really Can Make a Difference!

It’s the end of the year, and that brings with it more ideas of caring for others, helping one’s fellow man. Why not spend a little less time networking for yourself and a little more time doing for others? Here are some ideas to help you do just that. Find purpose in your serving. When… Read more »

Let’s Work Together!

Team up with Medical Professionals

Today’s post is about taking a fresh look at an area that we often take for granted. Sometimes, we work in teams without giving much thought about how well they are working together, or is there a better way? When your employees hear the word “teamwork,” what’s their reaction? Do they brighten at the thought… Read more »

Happiness Is a Choice

It may seem like a cliche to say that happiness is, indeed, a choice, but this comes from more than just a few self-help gurus. Did you know, there is scientific proof that it’s true. Some experts claim that we can control up to 40 percent of our own happiness. Knowing this, you may be… Read more »

Tips to Live a Positive Life

We all have difficult times, and it’s often how we react that helps us get through them successfully. Creating a positive mental outlook can help immensely when those tough spots come along. So, what can you do to stay positive in the face of the negative? Look at your environment. Too often we surround ourselves… Read more »

Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence

We all have our moments or days, or weeks of self-doubt, where we feel as though we can’t do anything right, that we’ll never get ahead. However, before you decide your own fate and sell yourself short, look at a few ways to boost your own self-confidence. Realize you have a lot to offer and… Read more »

Help Employees Find Their Personal Work-Life Balance

It used to be that employees could work a typical 9-to-5 shift and leave work at work. Nowadays, however, with the combination of higher global demands and technology, many employees work more than the standard 40-hour workweek. In addition, cell phones and email have made it so employers expect them to be on-call after hours…. Read more »

Healthy Snacks to Fuel Your Day

Think about your average workday for a minute. When does your energy sag? For some of us, it’s midmorning or afternoon, when the previous meal has worn off and the next one seems far away. You may find yourself distracted, irritable, tired or just plain hungry. To stave off those feelings, add a little healthy… Read more »