Tips to Recapture Your Time

Do you panic and feel stressed when your work begins to pile up? Does it feel like there simply isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done?  Before throwing in the towel, try these tips to improve your time management skills. By changing the way you approach your day, you may find that… Read more »

Stand Up for Your Health and Get Moving

In a highly technological world, many of our former reasons to move around have become virtually obsolete. Unfortunately for our overall health, this means we sit more. This increasingly sedentary lifestyle has a surprisingly high impact on our overall health. So before we all become like the humans in Pixar’s WALL-E, we need to get… Read more »

Should You Try Meditation?

When you think of meditation, what comes to mind? For many of us, we picture someone sitting in a lotus position, eyes closed, possibly on a beach at sunrise. Meditation doesn’t require you to wear special clothing or have a beach nearby, nor does it require an hour of quiet concentration. Meditation does improve your… Read more »

Could Yoga Help Reduce Your Stress?

The simple answer to this question is, “Yes.” Yoga, as a practice, has helped millions reduce stress for thousands of years, so we know it’s not just a flash-in-the-pan exercise fad. And science backs this up. It helps you control your breathing. One of the main tenets of yoga involves smooth, controlled breaths. This helps… Read more »

Walk Your Way to Health, Ladies!

If you want to get your exercise in and stay healthy but only run when chased and don’t consider yourself much of a weight-lifter or group exercise class goer, you’ve still got a great low-budget option open to you: walking. Anyone can do it, and it has multiple benefits. It’s good for your body. Not… Read more »

The Rewards of the Healthcare Industry

Friday, May 6, marks the beginning of National Nurses Week, so let’s take the time to focus on the numerous contributions of nurses and related healthcare professionals. Make time to thank them for all that they do. So many nurses go about their jobs all but unnoticed. These healthcare professionals don’t do their jobs to… Read more »

Have You Kept Your New Year’s Resolutions?

It’s March… Do you remember what you resolved to get done in 2016? Have you made a list and stuck to it? (Do you know where the list is?) The fact remains that most people break from New Year’s resolutions in about six weeks. Rather than looking back come December and thinking with a sigh,… Read more »