The 4 Keys to Long-Term Health and Happiness

Whether or not it’s your formal resolution this New Year, it should be everyone’s ultimate goal: to achieve long-term health and happiness. It turns out that there are a few proven ways to accomplish that!

Four ways to be happier and healthier as 2020 arrives:


Eat Well

There’s just no substitute for a healthy diet. And it’s not all about counting calories. Eating the best whole-quality foods and trying to avoid processed items is your best bet. Make sure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals, as well as the essential nutrients like carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats.


Stay Active

Staying active is the next step for long term health and wellness. This applies to physical activity and exercise — it’s recommended that you get at least a half-hour of proper physical exercise per day. Just as important is to challenge your mind to think. Keeping your mind and body active is simply the best way to maintain a healthy lifestyle!


Get Enough Sleep

We’re only beginning to understand the ramifications good sleep has on our bodies and minds. Your brain’s glymphatic system flushes cerebrospinal fluid through your brain to remove excess proteins that accumulate during the day. And it only happens at night, when you’re asleep. Without enough sleep, you can experience loss of neurological function. Lack of sleep has even been linked to early mental decline. So, this is a critical factor in remaining happy and healthy throughout life!


Connect With Others

The last key to long-term health and happiness is less scientific and more abstract. It’s all about connecting with your fellow human beings — we need connections with other people to live fulfilling, meaningful lives. Even small acts of kindness toward strangers are helpful; not everyone has to have a huge group of friends or a close family. But some measure of human contact is essential for staying healthy and happy for a lifetime.


What will you do in the coming year to maintain your positive outlook and well-being? Visit Medical Professionals online for more great tips on staying healthy and happy.

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