As the holidays approach, we all tend to get extremely busy, leaving less time for exercise and taking more time to eat those wonderful holiday goodies that seem to find their way to every break room and party we attend. However, we can find ways to stay active and get exercise in even during this time of year (so we don’t have to make that New Year’s resolution to drop all the weight we put on).
- Plan it out. If you travel during the holidays, scout out places where you can get a temporary gym membership (many YMCAs allow reciprocity). Or if you’re headed somewhere warm, look for running or hiking routes. Many places also have an annual run, such as a Turkey Trot. Whether you walk or run, it’s one more opportunity to get outside and get moving. No matter what, plan time in your day to move, even if it’s doing push-ups and sit-ups while watching your favorite holiday movie.
- Make it a family affair. Those walks you plan on taking? Instead of sitting down for one more slice of pie, head out after dinner and have the whole family go along. Or have a dance party, play tag in the yard with kids; get creative and get moving. If you live in a snowy area, even taking the kids out sledding can be a workout when dragging the sled back up the hill wearing all your outdoor gear!
- Make it easy. No matter where you go, bring a pair of sneakers and workout clothes. YouTube has plenty of videos you can move to using just your body weight or try a site such as VeryWellFit. If possible, bring a resistance band. You can do several exercises with it and attach it to various surfaces. If you dare to brave the shopping malls, park as far away as possible. Above all, make your plans known to those you’re with and ask them to join you or help you stay on track.
With a little planning, you can stay active during the holidays and keep yourself healthy. For any other surviving the holidays tips, work with the experts at Medical Professionals.