Setting aside time to exercise can be a struggle for the busy healthcare professional. As someone that works in the healthcare field, you understand the importance of exercise, but it can be difficult to fit it into your schedule. Don’t let lack of time stop you from working out, there...
Holistic medicine, also referred to as holistic health, encourages its practitioners to take care of their minds, bodies and spirits. Holistic medicine promotes the idea that our minds, bodies and spirits are connected, and any type of imbalance will cause chaos in our lives. One of the ways holistic believers...
Job searching can be tricky. Whether you’re looking for your first job, fifth job or changing careers, the entire process can be exhausting. We tend to take the job search process seriously and believe rejection is an assault on our worth. However, this isn’t the case. Before starting your job...
The key to success is maintaining a sound strategy. Successful people develop a strategy utilizing skills that produce results. These skills help successful people become disciplined and provide structure. If you want to be successful, you should continuously improve the following skills. Make use of time to reach goals Time...
There are many different types of leaders and leadership styles but not all of them are effective. Capable leaders use their best qualities to inspire their teams and produce real results. Visionary leading is a unique perspective that utilizes visualization to create results. Are you a visionary? Read on to...
Despite your busy career, it’s important to get some exercise. When we were children, exercise was a regular part of our day. That meant playing outside or playing a sport after school. As we got older, exercise became part of the school curriculum and gym class was mandatory. But in...
Famed author Mark Twain is most known for his books The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but Twain was also a humorist with many quotes that offer inspiration. Mark Twain came from humble beginnings, growing up along the Mississippi river in Hannibal, Missouri. He began...
Shaping your team into the department of your dreams requires hard work. This type of work isn’t easy. It forces you to change the way you do things as well as the way you think. Leading from better to best is a concept talked about in many self-help books. Essentially,...
i Everyone has a morning routine. It can be as simple as wake up, brush your teeth, shower, get dressed and head out the door. Others are more complicated and involve additional steps or practices. However, each routine serves the same purpose – to get you ready for the day...
Life is a balancing act and making time for friends can be difficult in between work schedules, running errands and other daily tasks. However, spending time with your loved ones is the best way to revitalize yourself. Friends lift your spirits, so remember to make them more of a priority...