Holistic medicine, also referred to as holistic health, encourages its practitioners to take care of their minds, bodies and spirits. Holistic medicine promotes the idea that our minds, bodies and spirits are connected, and any type of imbalance will cause chaos in our lives. One of the ways holistic believers get their minds, bodies and spirits in tune is through meditation. So, can meditation make your life better? Read on to find out.
It’s Great for Stress-Relief and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety are difficult conditions to control. Life is filled with stimulants and triggers that can lead to an anxiety attack or stressful situations. One of the best ways to manage these disorders is through mindfulness. Being mindful allows you to be present in the moment, focusing on your thoughts and feelings without letting them overwhelm you.
Mindfulness meditation uses breathing techniques, visualization and muscle/body relaxation to help you center yourself. To practice mindfulness meditation, follow these tips:
- Find a quiet location where you can sit or stand comfortably
- Focus on breathing and the feeling of air entering and leaving your body
- Don’t focus too much on your thoughts; try to block out thoughts of the future or past, and focus on the present moment
Take Control of Your Environment
The wonderful thing about meditation is you can practice it anywhere. We suggest you find a quiet, peaceful place, but if you’re truly self-aware, you’ll be able to turn any space into a peaceful oasis. You can meditate in the car, the bathroom, park, etc. Meditation is more about your intention. If your mind is focused on peace, you will create peace.
Furthermore, meditation does not require a lot of time. You can meditate for five minutes or an hour. Again, it all depends on your intentions. If it only takes a few minutes for you to calm down, then a five-minute session makes sense. On the other hand, if you’ve had a stressful week, then an hour of meditation might do the trick.
Other Forms of Meditation
In addition to mindfulness meditation, there are a few other forms of meditation for you to try. Focused-attention meditation requires you to stare at an object or focus your mind’s eye on a specific image or thought. While doing this, concentrate on your breathing or a calming sound.
Open monitoring is a form of meditation that requires you to be aware of your surroundings, thoughts or feelings you typically ignore.
The Journey to Peace
Here at Medical Professionals, we encourage our candidates to find ways to decompress so they can be ready for the day ahead. Continue reading our blog for more healthy living tips!