Why You Need a Break from Your Screens Before Bed

More than likely, you watch tv, check your email, play games on your smartphone before going to bed at night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 90% of people in the United States use a technological device within an hour of going to sleep. It might not seem like a big deal, but the truth is that your body should be getting a break from screens before bed — it’s extremely helpful for your sleep!

Here are just three of the reasons why screen-time before bed is a big problem:

It Increases Your Alertness

Whether you’re scrolling through your social media feed or watching a video, engaging with technology before bed stimulates your brain. That means that your alertness level is increased during a time when it’s supposed to be decreasing — rather than the mind and body settle down for rest, they’re being stimulated. That doesn’t just make it harder to fall asleep, it makes the quality of your sleep worse.

It Disrupts Your Internal Clock

Your body follows a natural internal clock. This is also known as your circadian rhythm, and it corresponds with the rising and falling of the sun. Using technology right before bed disrupts this natural flow. Plus, the blue light that’s emitted from smartphones, laptops, and tablets suppresses your system’s release of melatonin, your body’s hormone that helps induce sleep).

It Can Become a Chronic Problem

Falling asleep later and getting a worse sleep can happen again and again if you continue using screens before bed. Over a while, this becomes a chronic issue that your body is not receiving the proper rest time it needs to recharge. Don’t let yourself or your family members fall victim of poor sleep!

What can you do to avoid the problem? Try instituting a curfew for nighttime. When the curfew hits, all electronics must be switched off. Even “unplugging” as little as a half-hour before bedtime can help. Then, try relaxing with a book or performing some simple meditation before going to bed.

Want even more great tips for your health and wellness? Visit Medical Professionals online or give us a call today.

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