Can Your Resume Pass the AI Test?

Long gone are the days of hiring managers slaving away over every individual resume for an open position. Today, technology quickly scans large numbers of resumes, identifies top contenders, and weeds out those who “aren’t good fits”.

So, how can you make sure your resume passes the AI test and doesn’t get lost in the shuffle?

Know Your Keywords

If you’re familiar with the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), then you already have a good idea of how artificial intelligence scans resumes. It’s all about keywords and keyword phrases. Applicant tracking systems search for specific keywords and phrases relevant to the job opening — those resumes with the right keywords and phrases will rise to the top.

How do you know what keywords and phrases to include in your resume? Always refer back to the job posting. AI resume scanners match your resume’s keywords and phrases with the major keywords found in the job description. If you submit a generic resume, you’re toast. You stand a good chance of passing the keyword test when you tailor your resume to the specific job!

Avoid the Fluff

AI resume bots’ don’t like sorting through a lot of fluff. That means that you’ll want to avoid cluttering your resume with images, artwork, graphics, tables and charts, and unusual fonts. Stick to the basics with standard font, a few bullet points, and a heading and body-copy structure for formatting. That way, your resume will stand the best chance against the algorithms.

Don’t Forget Your Contact Information

It might seem obvious, but your name, email address and phone number are really important. Don’t forget these! Also, AI bots use your zip code to match you with the location of the job. Usually, the system searches within a radius of 10 to 20 miles of the job location, so make sure you can be found.  While you’re at it, it’s a good idea to make sure your LinkedIn account is up-to-date and is also keyword-optimized.

Want help making your resume the best they can be? We’re here to help you succeed. Connect with Medical Professionals today to get started.

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