Master Your Time to Simplify Your Day

For many of us, if we could have one super power, it would be the ability to control time–mostly because we feel we never have enough to do what we need and want to do. If you fall into that category, you’re in good company, especially considering in the last 20 years, leisure time has… Read more »

The Power of Being Proactive vs. Reactive!

Do you see your work team as one that deals with things as they happen or takes responsibility for what occurs, as well as the part they play in that occurrence? Herein lies the difference between being proactive and reactive. To have a team that anticipates needs, problems and the like, encourage them to take… Read more »

Multi-tasking Is Not as Efficient as You Think! A Clear Focus, Improves Employee Productivity!

We live in a world where we can barely watch TV without feeling as though we need to be doing something else, such as folding laundry or doing sit-ups, because simply sitting feels wrong. We eat while we drive, listen to a podcast while we cook, text while walking. Yet for all the cache of… Read more »

Create Growth by Embracing Some Employee Push Back

In our business and personal lives, we tend to stick with those who think similarly to us; it makes us feel more comfortable and more supported in what we think and do. And that works to a point; you don’t want to constantly surround yourself with people who question your every thought. However, as an… Read more »

Take Responsibility

Sometimes we want someone else to take control so we don’t have to…it’s easier to have another person run things. That also means we don’t have to shoulder the responsibility of accepting consequences if things go wrong. Yet while that may feel tempting, in the end we must take responsibility for what we do, both… Read more »

When Is the Right Time to Start Hiring?

When your hiring needs intensify, have your resources ready to hire the strongest candidates. Employers who consider their needs ahead of time will know what sort of person they need to fill a position. Be proactive rather than reacting when someone leaves a position and you now have to scramble to fill. Work with a… Read more »

Wellness for Healthcare Professionals

The old saying, “Physician, heal thyself” has some definite merit to it. If healthcare professionals want to do the best they can for their patients, they need to take care of themselves first…and their own health too often goes by the wayside as they push themselves to help others. Focusing on your own well-being puts… Read more »

How Can You Promote Wellness for Your Employees?

As an employer, you want your employees to always do their best, stay on top of everything, and get the most out of each day. However, that won’t happen if you have stressed or overwhelmed employees who make a habit of simply holding on and getting through each day. Too many employers overlook the importance… Read more »