Making Friends as an Adult

When you were a kid or even in college, it may have seemed you had a friend network at your fingertips. But once you moved into the “real world,” that sort of network may have dried up. As an adult, many of us find it difficult to make friends because of time or opportunity. Yet… Read more »

Is It Time to Spring Clean Your Résumé?

As you prepare to look for your next job, you may want to consider updating your résumé to make sure you have added your most recent accomplishments, streamline formatting and added any keywords … and always, always proofread once more! Weed out what’s not needed. This covers a few aspects of the résumé. For example,… Read more »

What Is Your Next Level Up?

For those of us who play video games, we know that “leveling up” means earning more prizes, getting better weapons, improved abilities to fight against the enemy and complete whatever quest the game lays out. How can we do that in real life and what benefits will it have? Consider your definition of personal success…. Read more »

Are You Always in a Hurry? Slow Down Now!

The alarm goes off. Once you’ve had your cup of coffee, you need to get dressed, brush your teeth, walk the dog, prep lunch for yourself/the kids, check social media/check email, eat something … rush through traffic, get to work, check email, meeting, meeting, get work done, revise deadlines … does this sound familiar? Hopefully… Read more »