Think about it: When was the last time you had a drink of water? Did reading that sentence make you thirsty? If so, you may need to up your daily intake.

  • How much is enough? The idea of eight glasses a day is not a scientific fact but rather a recommendation. Now, that doesn’t mean you need to drink less, but aim for staying well hydrated every day. Your body continuously loses fluids through urination, skin evaporation and even breathing. Your water intake needs to match the amount of water that is lost. When we don’t drink enough, it leads to dehydration. And considering our bodies are made up of about 60 percent water, the 8×8 rule (eight glasses of eight ounces) is a pretty good one to follow.
  • It helps your body work better. When athletes push themselves too hard and don’t drink enough water, they can have severe cramps, overheat and become fatigued. Muscle is about 80 percent water, so they need good hydration to operate properly. Water also helps your kidneys function efficiently. Think of the kidneys as the body’s waste and toxin removal system. The more water you drink, the more waste the kidneys can remove (via urine). To put it bluntly, the clearer, the better, so drink up! Finally, water can help you feel full, helping cut down on calorie intake and potentially helping you lose weight.
  • It improves your overall health. Blood, more than 90 percent water, thickens with dehydration. This can lead to increased blood pressure. Lack of water also narrows airways to conserve water loss, increasing the effects of asthma and allergies. And cartilage contains roughly 80 percent water, so drinking enough improves your cartilage-filled joints’ ability to absorb shock. This means less joint pain for you. Hydration helps the brain function better as well. In fact, it can help improve mood, brain performance and memory.

So next time you get up to take a break, drink a glass of water. Your body will thank you. For any other medical advice, talk to the experts at Medical Professionals.

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