In this age of social media where the average Facebook user has 338 “friends,” it’s important to have true, deep friendships as well. Think of the last time you spent time with someone close to you and either laughed until your stomach hurt or cried on their shoulder. Didn’t you feel better after doing that,… Read more »

Do you ever feel you have so many priorities you don’t even know where to start because everything seems important? We all need help sometimes figuring out what needs to go on top of our to-do list. Doing so makes you feel less stressed because it will help you get things done. Read on for… Read more »

Sometimes we want someone else to take control so we don’t have to…it’s easier to have another person run things. That also means we don’t have to shoulder the responsibility of accepting consequences if things go wrong. Yet while that may feel tempting, in the end we must take responsibility for what we do, both… Read more »

Do you want to keep your mind sharp and working, grow a bit as a person, gain the power that knowledge affords? Then do this: Learn something new. Whether taking up a new hobby (baking, gardening, rock climbing, salsa dancing) or acquiring a new skill (learning a new language, taking a defensive driving course, how… Read more »

Most of us probably have at one time in our lives kept a gym membership that laid dormant for months, taking more out of our wallets than spurring us to hit the treadmill. Or maybe you have a treadmill in your house…covered with extra sheets and shirts that need ironing. Or your running shoes have… Read more »

When we think about our goals, we often go for the gusto, creating lofty, soaring goals that will ultimately change our lives for the better. We start after that goal…and then realize it’s too vast to even attempt. Thus, starts a spiral of feeling inadequate for not reaching one’s goals or simply feeling overwhelmed. Yet… Read more »

When your hiring needs intensify, have your resources ready to hire the strongest candidates. Employers who consider their needs ahead of time will know what sort of person they need to fill a position. Be proactive rather than reacting when someone leaves a position and you now have to scramble to fill. Work with a… Read more »

If you’ve paid any sort of attention to social media and TV within the last 25 years, you’ve heard the benefits of organic food touted. It’s better for your health, it’s better for the soil, it’s just better all around. Unfortunately, “organic” has become a bit of a buzzword some companies have slapped onto a… Read more »

The average American walks anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 steps a day, although we should strive for 10,000. Now ask yourself: How many of those steps do you take in uncomfortable or non-supportive shoes? We tend to ignore our feet unless forced to do so by pain. However, doing this has effects that resonate throughout… Read more »

Want to reduce your stress? Lace up your sneakers and hit the road. And that’s just one of the multiple benefits running can provide. One of the simplest forms of exercise, it can have positive effects on both mind and body. Mental benefits. Running helps release serotonin in your brain, a chemical that helps to… Read more »