Go pumpkin or apple picking. There’s something charming about going to a place filled with brightly colored pumpkins of different sizes – they remind kids of all ages that Halloween is coming, as are darker, colder nights made for jack-o’-lanterns with flickering candles inside.

If you have orchards in your area, most of them charge by weight, so you get to decide whether you want a bag or a bushel. And there’s nothing tastier than a freshly-picked, juicy apple.

Get cookin’. As the weather gets cooler and the season changes, it’s the right time for heartier meals. Host a chili cook-off with friends, and let the kids decide what to add. See what you can make with the numerous varieties of seasonal squash (baked acorn with maple syrup, butternut squash soup, and spaghetti squash instead of pasta noodles).

Take a hike. A quick online search will reveal hikes that even the younger family members can manage. And while you can obviously hike at other times of year, there’s something about the cooler temperatures that makes it a little different (and more bearable for some). It’s a great way to get exercise and fresh air before it gets too cold.

Cheer on your team. Fall means football (and baseball if your team makes post-season), and even if it’s not your favorite sport, you can still enjoy a get-together with neighbors and friends. Bring some of that delicious chili from the cook-off and have a potluck. You can root for your team, organize games for the kids, and enjoy being together.

No matter how young or old you are, it’s easy to find something fun to do that’s within your family budget in the fall!

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